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Pharmacotherapeutic important fillups 2024 ( 2nd years )

  Pharmacotherapeutic important fill in the blanks 2024 ( D.pharma 2 year  GERD ( Gastro esophageal reflux disease) Answer πŸ‘‡πŸ»   1 . GASTROINTESTINAL REFLUX DISEASE   2 . HEARTBURN   3 . LES   4 . PH MONITORING   5 . SPICY FOOD   6 . ACID REFLUX   7 . ESOPHAGEAL   8 . 6 LIFESTYLE   9 . GERD  10. NATURAL ANTACIDS                            Click here for more fillups   Angina pectorise  Answer πŸ‘‡πŸ»   1. Stable angina  2. Heart  3. Varient angina  4.Microvascular angina  5. Cheast pain  6. Beta blockers  7.angina index 8.heart attack 9. Myocardial  10. Electrocardiogram                                    Click here for more fillups  Myocardial infraction  ANSWER  πŸ‘‡πŸ»  1. Tissue death  2.   Coronary  3. Ischemic heart  4 . Coronary artery  5. ECG  6 .Heart  7. Asprine 8. Atherosclerosis  9. Corotid Artery sterosis 10. Right coronary arteries  Click here for more fillups     Hyperlipemia    All Pharmacotherapeutic fillups πŸ‘‡πŸ»πŸ‘‡πŸ»πŸ‘‡πŸ» FILL IN THE BLANKS..... 1.____and_____are two mai

Pharmacotherapeutic important fillups 2024 ( 2nd years )

 Pharmacotherapeutic important fill in the blanks 2024 ( D.pharma 2 year 

GERD ( Gastro esophageal reflux disease)

Answer πŸ‘‡πŸ» 
 3 . LES 
 9 . GERD 

Angina pectorise 

Answer πŸ‘‡πŸ»
 1. Stable angina 
2. Heart 
3. Varient angina 
4.Microvascular angina 
5. Cheast pain 
6. Beta blockers 
7.angina index
8.heart attack
9. Myocardial 
10. Electrocardiogram 
                 Click here for more fillups 

Myocardial infraction 

ANSWER πŸ‘‡πŸ» 
1. Tissue death 
2. Coronary 
3. Ischemic heart
 4 . Coronary artery 
5. ECG 
6 .Heart 
7. Asprine
8. Atherosclerosis 
9. Corotid Artery sterosis
10. Right coronary arteries 


All Pharmacotherapeutic fillups πŸ‘‡πŸ»πŸ‘‡πŸ»πŸ‘‡πŸ»


1.____and_____are two main types of stroke.
2. Blood flow to the brain is blocked due to blockage of arteries in______stroke.
3. In the______stroke, blood vassals in the brain are leaking or brusting.
4.______is a temporary disruption of blood flow to the brain is known as
5. ICH stands for____
6. TIA stands for_____
7. Womens are slightly_____likely to have a stroke than men of same age.
8._______is the major symptom of stroke.
9. Clopidogrel and Ticlopidine are_______drugs.
10. HDL stands for______
11. Hypertension is a_______disease.
12. 95-90 % patient of hypertension suffer from
13._______is also called as essential
14. Hypertension is also called as______because it has no sign and symptoms usually.
15. Diastolic pressure peaks at age of_______
16. Enlist common causes of primary_______
17. Hypertensive patient advised to reduce
intake ._______
18._______instrument is use to mneasure blood pressure.
19._______&________are first line drug use to treat hypertension.
20. In hypertensive crisis systolic pressure is more than_________
21._______is a condition in which painful sores or ulcers develop in the lining of the stomach.
22. The lining of stomach is protected by
23. The main causes of peptic ulcer are______
24. The medications used for treatment of peptic ulcer is called as________
25. CBS stands for_______
26. PPIs stands for_______
27._______is the test for diagnosis for peptic ulcer.
28._______is a drug of choice in the treatment of peptic ulcer.
29.______drugs should be avoided in peptic ulcer.
30.The ulcers develop in the upper part of_____
is known as duodenum ulcer.
31. pneumonia is caused by._______
32. which organ is majorly affected by________ pneumonia
33.In pneumonia the alveoli are filled with____
34. Enlist various types of pneumonia._______
35. Mycobacterial pneumonia is also known as____
36. .Enlist four symptoms of pneumonia._______
37. Pneumonia is an______of the lungs that can be caused by bacteria, viruses, or fungi.
38. The most common symptom of pneumonia is________
39.________is a bacterium responsible for a significant portion of bacterial pneumonia cases.
40.________is often used to diagnose pneumonia by examining a sample of mucus from the lungs.
41.______and older adults are at a higher risk of developing pneumonia.
42. .Vaccines are available to protect against some of the most common_______that cause pneumonia.
43.________is a severe form of pneumonia that can be life-threatening and often requires hospitalization
44. There are_______types of bronchitis 
45. COPD is progressive disorder related to
46. Swelling and Itching in bronchi is a symptoms of________
47. COPD stand for________
48. Cigarette smoking cause______is responsible for 90% of all emphysema cases.
49. The long term effects of________
50. The elasticity of lung tissue reduced in_____
51. Chronic bronchitis is inflammation and irritation of the________
52.________affects the air sacs in the lungs.

53. is a PDE-4 inhibitor.

54. Define Inflammatory Bowel Disease?

55. IBD Stands for_____

56. Name the two most common inflammatory bowel disease?

57. Define Crohn's disease?

58. Define Ulcerative colitis?

59. _______Cause chronic inflammation of the GI tract

60. IBD Caused by______

61. Symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease______

62. (True/false). In both ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease, the entire gastrointestinal tract can become inflamed.

63. What is the first step treatment of IBD?

64. Define Tuberculosis?

65. Tuberculosis Caused By

66. Tuberculosis is most commonly affect the_______

67. Minnimum Two type Of tuberculosis?

68. Symptom Of Tuberculosis?

69. Latent TB is_________

70. 1st line of Drug is_______

71. Second Line of Drug is Fluoroquinolone and_________

72. DOT stand For________

73. Tuberculosis is an disease.________

74. Anemia is deficiency of occurs either through thereduce production of________

75. The RBC is manufactured in the expectancy of approximately______

76. To produce RBC, the body needs_______

77. Iron deficiency anemia is most commonly caused by______

78. Main symptom of of iron deficiency______

7) Type of Iron_______

8)Diagnostic Test_______

deficiency Anemia is for Iron deficiency Anemiais______

79. ____used in the treatment for irondeficiency anemia

80. Minimum two non pharmacological treatementof iron deficiency Anemia is_____

81..______ is the first symptom of Parkinson's Disease.

 82. _______Parkinson's Disease is marked by lack of chemical in the body.

83. _______number of Americans are affected by Parkinson's Disease

84.________ is the average age when Parkinson s Disease first appears.

85. How is Parkinson disease diagnosed?

A. With a blood test

B. With a neurological exam

C. With an X-ray

D. All of the above.

6. How is Parkinson disease treated?

A. Medicine

B. Surgery

C. Radiation

86. There are _____stages of Parkinson disease.

87. What are the 4 pillars of Parkinson's disease______

88. In the early stages of Parkinson disease, your face may_______

89. _______is the main cause of Parkinson disease.

90. What does the body's nervous system control?

91. Parkinson's disease leads to overactivity of the__________

A. Subthalamic nucleus.

B. Motor cortex.

C. Cerebellum.

D. Substantia nigra pars compacta

92. Who first discovered Parkinson disease?

93. Parkinson's disease is also known as_______

94.______. is the title of Parkinson's disease?

95. ________is a condition in which painful sores or ulcers develop in the lining of the stomach.

96.. The lining of stomach is protected by _____
97. The main causes of peptic ulcer are ____and

98. The medications used for treatment of peptic ulcer is called as_______

99. CBS stands for_____

100. PPIs stands for______ the test for diagnosis for peptic ulcer
102._______ is a drug of choice in the treatment of peptic ulcer.

103. ______drugs should be avoided in peptic ulcer.

104. The ulcers develop in the upper part of is known as ______duodenum ulcer.

105. _______is a chronic CNS disorder in which brief episodes of seizures appear with or without the loss of consciousness.

106.______ is also called petit mal seizures.

107. _______is also grand mal seizures.

108. Focal seizures are located in just one area of the_______

109. ______are the most commonly used treatment for epilepsy.

110. ______is the most common type of seizure.

111._______ is consider to be enzyme-inducing AEDs.

112. Any two examples of AEDs are_______

113._____seizures mainly starts in childhood and continue into adolescence. 

114. EEG stand for_____

115. _______is the most common type of angina.

116. Angina pectoris occur when organ doesn't get enough oxygenated bloo

117. _______is also know as prinzmetal's angina.

118._______ is the condition that affects the heart's smallest coronary arteries.

119. Angina pectoris is a medical term for______ associated with ischemic heart disease.

120. _______is the first line treatment to reduce the symptoms of stable angina.

121. The myocardial oxygen consumption can be index by calculation

122. Angina can be a symptom of________

123. Angina occurs due to imbalance between the oxygen demand and oxygen supply of the____

124. _____test record the electrical activity of the heart

125. Myocardial infarction refers to the_____

126. Myocardial infarction is a type of acute_____ syndrome.

127. Myocardial infarction is also know as disease._______

128. MI usually result of a blockage of the _______

129. The phrase is often used non-specifically to refer to a MI.______

130.______ is the drug of choice for myocardial infarction.

131. _______is the clinical cause thus triggers myocardial infarction.

Govt . medical college patiala 
